Author: admin

Student Stories

Christine’s Hospitality Management Diploma Study Journey at CCC

From a student at Create Career College to a thriving professional in Canada, my experience demonstrates the exceptional educational and career support provided by Create Career College. My name is Christine, a graduate of the two-year Hospitality Management diploma program at Create …


Learning English in Vancouver 2024: Boost Your English for a Working Holiday in Canada

Are you preparing for a fulfilling working holiday experience in Canada in 2024? Consider enrolling in ESL classes at Create Career College to enhance your English proficiency. Learning English in Vancouver not only promises an enjoyable experience but also enhances your overall …


Change Your Status from Visitor to a Study Permit in Canada: Perfect guide for your stay in Canada 2024

Arriving in Canada, you may find yourself wanting to extend your stay or transition to a study permit. However, navigating the process can be daunting. Have you ever wondered how to smoothly transition from a Visitor to a Study Permit in Canada? …


IELTS and CELPIP Course in Vancouver: Elevate your 4 English skills at Create Career College!

Are you in search of classes tailored specifically for the CELPIP course in Vancouver? Or perhaps you’re considering taking a CELPIP test in Vancouver? We’re excited to introduce our Business and Hospitality Communication designed for individuals aiming to excel in English tests …


Homestay Vancouver: The Premier Choice for International Students on ESL Study Tours in Canada

Embarking on an ESL study tour in Vancouver, Canada presents international students with a plethora of opportunities. Among the various accommodation options available, opting for a homestay Vancouver stands out for its exceptional blend of cultural immersion and language practice. Notably, according …


Understanding Provincial Attestation Letters: Updates on Canada Study Permit by IRCC 2024

Starting from January 22nd, 2024, the majority of international students seeking a Canadian study permit are now mandated to obtain a provincial attestation letter (PAL) from the province or territory in which they plan to pursue their studies.  Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship …


Discover CCC’s NEW ESL CLASS 2024: Elevating Excellence in English Language Schools in Vancouver

Master English with our new ESL course at Create Career College (CCC) in Vancouver! For those seeking to learn English here in Vancouver, enrolling in one of the English Language Schools in Vancouver stands out as an excellent choice. Within this piece, …


【加拿大学签政策】旅游签转学签无需PAL省级认证信 – Create Career College 3分钟帮你捋清楚!

Create Career College 提供的短期英文课程,可帮助已经在加拿大境内持有旅游签的朋友转为学签。本校入学申请免雅思,更无年龄或背景限制,让你可以迅速直接报读心仪的专业课程,无需PAL省级认证信,成功申请学签。 加拿大移民部(IRCC)于2024年1月22日公布了本年度学签审理计划:相比2023年缩减了35%的学签份额,并要求各省政府调整学签申请程序,为符合资质的国际学生出具省级认证信PAL (Provincial Attestation Letter),供申请学签时使用。现时,省政府均积极开发PAL流程,预计在3月31日公布程序及发放学签等相关细节。 WhatsApp 入學部查詢 預約諮詢 聯絡我們 立即報名 好消息是!在部分条件下,申请学签人士可以跳过省级认证信PAL这个步骤,而旅转学为其中最容易,最快捷、最安全的方式之一。 简而言之,只有持有加拿大有效旅游签,入境后就有机会申请到学签!据经验而谈,在正确的步骤和安排下,加拿大境内申请学签(旅游签转学签)获批率高达95%! 相關文章: CCC畢業生分享5個加拿大 PR 申請步驟、必備文件及Timeline 子女免費讀加拿大中學?CCC畢業生分享申請公立學校5大步驟 【加拿大讀書】5個加拿大升學好處 | 61歲學生分享學簽申請過程 加拿大救生艇 Stream A 101! 10分鐘搞清楚加拿大學簽易批秘技 Stream A 加拿大移民條件&文件 中英對照全11 Sections懶人包 本文目錄 加拿大学签政策更新 :省认证信 PAL (Provincial Attestation Letters) 新政策中重点落在 PAL …


【加拿大 Stream A】加拿大學簽政策更新 – Create Career College 10分鐘詳盡解讀!

多項加拿大學簽政策更新自2024年1月起陸續出爐。由於新政策條文篇幅冗長,當中不但混含大量前所未見的術語,例如省確認信 PAL (即 Provincial Attestation Letters)、 Cap、IRCC (即Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada)外,還有不少多行且複雜的條件句式,使有意前往加拿大的國際留學生越讀越苦惱。有鑑於此,Create Career College 入學部(香港)早前已訪問持牌移民顧問,現為同學逐一分析加拿大學簽的各項政策更新,詳細解讀術語和複雜條文的本意,為免同學誤解原意,保持大家留學加拿大的信心。 新政策摘要 有鑑於加拿大國際留學生迅速澎漲的情況,加拿大推出學簽政策更新,由學簽批出層面應對人口增長以及壓抑本地不良公司胡亂招收國際學生的情況。加拿大移民部 IRCC 於2024年1月中下旬宣佈,2024年全年會以增強教育水準為目標,由政府出手減少學生簽證批出率35%,以阻截部份國家、地區或市場濫用學生簽證申請,以達至穩定人口增長的長期目標。 WhatsApp 入學部查詢 預約諮詢 聯絡我們 相關文章: CCC畢業生分享5個加拿大 PR 申請步驟、必備文件及Timeline 子女免費讀加拿大中學?CCC畢業生分享申請公立學校5大步驟 【加拿大讀書】5個加拿大升學好處 | 61歲學生分享學簽申請過程 加拿大救生艇 Stream A 101! 10分鐘搞清楚加拿大學簽易批秘技 Stream A 加拿大移民條件&文件 中英對照全11 Sections懶人包 本文目錄 …


Canada Study Permits New Update 2024: Change You Must Know About Provincial Attestation Letter

In January 2024, the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduced significant policy changes concerning study permits, including the implementation of a cap on the number of study permits issued to international students across Canada. These updates raise crucial questions: Who will …


Empowering Success: Essential Digital Marketing Skills in 2024

When you encounter phrases like “Digital marketing skills,” or “Online marketing skills,” what mental image forms in your mind? Undoubtedly, the role of a digital marketer is a globally sought-after and popular job title. However, the term “Digital marketer” itself can be somewhat …


5 Things Job Seekers Need to Consider When Doing Job Search in Vancouver

Kicking off your job search in Vancouver? It’s a mix of unique challenges and opportunities in this dynamic city. Navigating the intensive job market competition here means being clued-up on the factors that can make or break your quest for new roles. …


Change Your Career by Pursuing an Accounting Diploma Co-op Program in 2024

The Co-op program in Canada is an innovative initiative that combines traditional educational curricula with practical work experience. In the field of an accounting diploma, including financial and managerial accounting, participants begin by learning fundamental theories and progress to acquiring specific skills …


IRCC Study Permit Policy Update in Janurary 2024: Canada’s Strategic Shift in International Education

In light of the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)’s recent policy introducing a cap on international student permits for 2024, reflecting a 35% decrease from last year, addresses the pressures on Canadian infrastructure due to the surge in international student numbers. …


【加拿大搵工】邊3大港人熱門城市最難搵工?一文睇清CO-OP 5大加速就業優勢!

在加拿大搵工好困難?這可能與你所選擇定居的城市有關!港人移民加拿大,溫哥華、多倫多等大城市一向都是大家熱門的定居城市。似乎越多人定居的城市,競爭自然越激烈。根據熱門求職平台最新報告,多倫多(Toronto) 、溫哥華(Vancouver)、萬錦(Markham),均上榜全球首。不過,Create Career College 的2年制Co-op 文憑,將協助同學輕鬆取得加拿大搵工成功秘笈。 WhatsApp 入學部查詢 聯絡我們 相關文章: CCC畢業生分享加拿大Coop攻略 | 加國各地邊讀書邊工作 【加拿大移民】加拿大工作機會 2023 | 15個高需求量職業 | CCC 【加拿大讀書】5個加拿大升學好處 | 61歲學生分享學簽申請過程 Table of Contents 加拿大工作機會場競爭最激烈城市排名(平均每個職位申請人數) 根據網絡求職平台Resume.io早前公佈的全球就業市場競爭最激烈的前50名城市名單,加拿大兩大城市多倫多和溫哥華均榜上有名,分別位列第14及25位。就加拿大境內城市而言,安省的萬錦市緊隨在後,位列第三名。 加拿大搵工市場競爭最激烈城市排名(平均每個職位申請人數) 多倫多(Toronto) 65.5名申請人  溫哥華(Vancouver) 47.1名申請人  萬錦(Markham) 41.1名申請人 WhatsApp 入學部查詢 加拿大多倫多最難搵工? 多倫多一向為移民人士首選的城市之一,除了為加拿大主要經濟之一,更是北美第二大金融中心,為該城市帶來更多的就業機會,特別是金融及資訊科技等行業。而且據統計,多倫多市平均人工比加拿大整體平均高近14%,亦是就業率最高的城市。人工高自然令求職人趨之若鶩,同時令就業競爭更加激烈。要在茫茫搵工人海中脫穎而出,增強自身優勢當然至關重要,而Co-op 就能為加速就業帶來優勢。 截止2023年7月1日數據。 Co-op 5大加速加拿大搵工就業優勢 …